Suzanna’s Law is named after Suzanna Christina Chevalier, the victim of two false police reports with false information against Suzanna. There was one false witness on the first police report in 2013, Michael Simuro (who was evicted from the property the next day by the owner) and two false witnesses on second report in 2023 one Gary Naselsky a Family Dollar store employee and the other Deputy Sheriff Jerry Sosa of Palm Beach Sheriff's Department. The Family Dollar Store went out of business the following year after Suzanna saw a vision a vision of the store going up in flames before she left it. On these false police reports, the one in 2013 and the one in 2023 the accusers and false witnesses falsely accused Suzanna of crimes the accuser did to themselves or against Suzanna. Both false police reports happened in Palm Beach County Florida. One in 2013 by a falsified police report written by Linda Brown and Mike Simuro where Deputy Sheriff Lopez did not inform Suzanna of her false charges (6th Amendment Rights violation) and get her side of the story. Mike Simuro and Linda Brown changed their story about cuts on Linda' Brown's arm later saying a key did it because they knew human nails couldn't cut a human's arm skin. Deputy Sheriff Lopez took photos of Suzy's clean short nails with no blood but the twig Linda Brown just used seconds before his arrival had her blood on it. In depositions, Mike Simuro's testimony was thrown out for he admitted he was drunk and didn't know what he was saying. Still, the damage was done emotionally, physically, and mentally to Suzanna during her incarceration for her 8th Amendment Right was violated which coincides with Article 5 of the Universal Human Rights that states: No one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. She was in shackles around her ankles before her first appearance in court as an innocent American citizen. In 2023 another false police report was written by the Family Dollar store manager who hid under Marsy's Law and her false witness Gary Naselsky an assistant manager. The Family Dollar store manager wrote her false testimony on May 27, 2023, with false witness Gary Naselsky but Suzanna's arrest did not happen until June 7, 2023. Suzanna thought she was being kidnapped when Deputy Sheriff Sosa took her into custody. Her rights were not read (6th Amendment Right violated again) while she was sent barefoot (8th Amendment Right violated) with no keys from her residence to the Sheriff's squad car. Suzanna's 6th Amendment right was not honored for Suzanna did not know the nature of the charges against her and she was not confronted with the false accuser and the false witness against her in a court of law. During the June 7, 2023, false arrest Suzanna was sobbing "Jesus help me!" repeatedly while her arms were being bruised from the handcuffs tightened too extremely, and again her 8th Amendment Right was violated. Suzanna's treatment by the Deputy Sheriff is a common biased treatment under the corrupt laws that are now in place in the state of Florida and in other states around the U.S. where only one false witness with an accuser can write their false testimony even with no camera to prove the innocent American is actually guilty of accused crime as in these two false criminal charges against Suzanna. Law Enforcement only needs "probable cause" and no "factual evidence" and in Suzanna's case at the Family Dollar store incident "no business surveillance camera" as well. Even the Law Enforcement can write false information about the innocent American citizen which was in Suzanna's case. On June 7, 2023, Deputy Sheriff Jerry Sosa wrote false words against Suzanna while awaiting finishing pape work in his squad car at the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office - District 14 (Lake Worth) after he took Suzanna into custody. He never read Suzanna her rights so what he wrote is not valid and is slanderous to her name. The false testimony on police report 23072579 by Deputy Sheriff Sosa was later retracted in the year 2023. A black square with the words "Confession" covers the false words he wrote in the original "SO I PUSHED HER OUTTA THE WAY." Suzanna does not speak like the phraseology above, but Deputy Sheriff Sosa had to go along with the falsified language spoken by the false accuser and batterer Family Dollar Store manager. After false police reports are written they go to the Prosecuting Attorney of the State and again the Innocent American citizen's 6th Amendment Right is not upheld because the accused is not faced with their accuser and false witness in court. The accuser does not have to go to court with a false witness while the innocent American citizen who is falsely accused is sent to jail without a trial first to prove their innocence and a mugshot (Invasion of Privacy to their likeness with false information about them such as the word "criminal" by their name) is uploaded on Sheriff's blotters across the country for the world to see falsified slanderous information on defaming websites. Later these same websites extort money out of the Innocent American Citizen to have their mugshot taken off. These websites claim they believe in their 1st Amendment Rights to Freedom of the Press, but under these circumstances defaming mugshots on Innocent American Citizen's whose Rights to Privacy are violated, should not be allowed. Suzanna's Law brings to the public's attention how corrupt the Criminal Justice System is towards the "Innocent American" citizen and is not based on God Almighty's Spiritual laws from God's Holy Bible such as in: Exodus20:16 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
2 Corinthians 13:1 This is the third time that I am coming to you. By the testimony of two or three witnesses, any charge and every accusing statement must be sustained and confirmed. Deuteronomy 19:15-21
15 One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
16 If a malicious witness takes the stand to accuse someone of a crime, 17 the two people involved in the dispute must stand in the presence of the Lord before the priests and the judges who are in office at the time. 18 The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against a fellow Israelite, 19 then do to the false witness as that witness intended to do to the other party. You must purge the evil from among you. 20 The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you. Luke 3:14 Then some soldiers asked Him, "And what should we do? "Do not take money by force or false accusations," He said. "Be content with your wages." Luke 3:14 is referring also to Law Enforcement, which includes the Criminal Justice System of United States of America.
Under Suzanna's law the innocent American citizen will be protected to a fair trial, fair and honest police reporting where their side of the story is on the same police report. Factual evidence will be enacted and not "probable cause" and anyone who writes a false report will be incarcerated for a year in jail and that includes law enforcement.
No American citizen should be arrested without a fair trial first and no mugshots should be taken right away unless they are a mass shooter, murderer, child molester, rapist, kidnapper, stalker, sexual trafficker, drug trafficer, a perpetrator of domestic violence. These people are "a threat to society". May the term "Innocent Until Proven Guility" be true in America and not "Guilty Until Proven Innocent" where the innocent American citizen is finally heard and protected from one sided false police reporting.
Bringing justice to the criminal justice system through God's holy Bible.
P.O. Box 27 Lake Worth Beach, Florida 33460
Suzanna's Law is not a law firm. Please Google your local attorney in the state you reside in.
Bringing knowledge of our 6th Amendment Right to the general public.
Dear Senator John McCain, I would like to bring to your attention the Universal Declaration of Human Rights articles:1, 5, 9, 17 and 29 are on my website www.suzae.com and get free booklet on Universal Declaration of Human Rights at: www.youthforhumanrights.org
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